What Everyone Need to Know About Fake Pills and Fentanyl

December 27th, 2022|news|

Fentanyl has been found in almost every drug in the past year, and increasingly, it's a youngster who dies from an overdose. Fake pills from the internet have changed the way people acquire drugs, and it's killing people. Many people believe that recreational drug use is a harmless phase many young people go through. After [...]

Where Will All The Opioid Settlement Money Go?

August 27th, 2021|news|

Recently, the federal government and many state and local governments won a landmark $26 billion settlement from opioid manufacturers and distributors. The states involved in the lawsuits will get allotments of the payouts. Experts, however, are comparing the payouts to the tobacco settlement money and saying that the distribution of funds on the state level [...]